General Cargo Italy Srl
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Welcome !

International transport has always been a complex matter that requires specific knowledge and skills that leave no room for improvisation of any kind: the experience and professionalism of an efficient and well-integrated staff are fundamental to offer Customers the best solutions.

General Cargo has been operating in the international shipping sector since 1988. The purpose of the three founding members was to adopt a streamlined and flexible structure, which today is called “smart”, in order to guarantee a quality service.

Over thirty years have passed since then, much has been done, but always in the continuity of that principle that - today we are sure - will always prove valid.

In addition to the IATA recognition for air services, among the most important objectives achieved in recent years, we like to remember the ISO 9001 quality certification already achieved in 1997 and always reconfirmed according to the new standards. However, we believe that the most important goal is the constant trust that our regular Customers continue to reserve for us.

General Cargo boasts among its Customers leading companies, both Italian and foreign, which we recognize have given us the opportunity to measure ourselves with the primary enemy of transport: time.

Thank you, to all our Customers, for making us who we are.

“Civiltà del Lavoro” Award (2000) UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 (2018÷2021) IATA 2019

General Cargo Italy Srl
International Forwarder

Operational and
administrative headquarters

Via Europa, 7/B
24050 Orio al Serio (BG)
tel. +39 035 316070
fax. +39 035 316200

please feel free to contact us

General Cargo ... 30 years
( 1988 - 2018 )
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Design and Engineering © 1997÷2025 by Castrovinci & Associati
Last website update : Mercoledì 15 Settembre 2021 — 16:09:49
Last content database update : Giovedì 30 Gennaio 2020 — 19:39:24